A Hopeless Person Trying to be Romantic
A very simple four-letter word yet causes a lot of problems in the world.
I'm not really a fan of love. I know that love is true, since I've felt it from my family. But still, I'm not fully convinced that love exists for people like me.
Well I'm talking about love that we hear from fairy tales. Fairy tales that gave us this mentality that there is always a somebody for someone. Tales that made us think that we are princesses and that a prince would someday come and rescue us from the dark shadows of loneliness.
I lived more than half of my life studying in a conservative school. I was very naive. I had no idea how this crazy little thing called love works. Well that's the case until now. I still have no interest in love. I only care about myself. I only care about my future.
I don't know why people still let LOVE enslave them. They let their hearts do the job even if their minds tell them otherwise. Despite all the sad stories circling the media or even their lives, they still take a chance at love.
Well, I can't blame them. Love moves in mysterious ways. I, being a Love-ignorant person, still hope that someday, I would find a reason to finally believe in love. Somewhere within our hearts, no matter how cold they are, love is present. It is the fire that's keeping our hearts alive.
Love may be a very simple four-letter word that causes a lot of problems in the world, but it's still what makes our life worth living.